Any: Nationality, Experience or Age

We Audit Shipowners and Reproduce Who they Employ and How

Who Employ Seafarers Like You and How?

  1. Screen CVs
    • Personal Details
    • Qualification
    • Employment Records
  2. Identify Shipowners
    • Company Name
    • Crewing Agency
    • Fleet Particulars
  3. Reproduce Requirements
    • Experience
    • Seniority
    • Background
  4. Profile Prediction
    • Who Employ?
    • Whom Employ?
    • How Employ?

They Landed Perfect Job - Feedbacks

  • It was quite easy to locate companies employing Indian ratings. It toke some time and efforts to talk to all of them but result was rewarding.

    Thanks and god bless you.

    Ziare Dhawan
    Ziare Dhawan
  • I felt depressed every time my CV was ignored, until I realized, I was calling and eMailing the wrong companies, that never dealt with my Rank or Nationality.

    Success might be way closer when U talk to the company of your profile.

    Marina Melnikova
    Marina Melnikova
  • You understand, it is difficult to get promoted, no matter how hard You try. Thankfully not all the companies are the same.

    Exceptions are always taking place, just keep looking.

    Aaron Cruz
    Aaron Cruz
    Second Engineer
    • +300k
      Contracts Analyzed
    • +200
      Crew Nationalities
    • +10k
      Vessels Profiled

    Find a Job You Want - Case Study

    • Case

      You are a Motorman, you are trying to get employed by checking Job Ads, but there are thousands of other Motormen around you.

      As competition is high, shipowners apply no efforts in getting the job filed. The candidate who is the closest one, would probably be offered position.

      There is no need in placing job advertisement.


      You are limited to small number of job ads, these vacancies are overcrowded, as a result chances in getting the job are low.

      As low as employment terms they offer.


      Talk to companies dealing with you look like seafarers, be it a Crewing agency or Shipowner directly.

      ! Enter Prediction Directory -> Select Nationality and Rank Filter.

      As a Crew Recruitment is an ongoing process, forward looking companies maintain White List, they register suitable candidates into it, then use it to fill upcoming positions, before they are placed as a Job Ad.

      Give them a Call, follow-up your CV then Call Again.

    • Case

      You are 60 years old. Most of the companies don't employ seafarers that are older than 55 y.o. but they will never tell you that, it's against law to discriminate candidates by age.


      Every time you apply for a job you are getting declined. You would hear thousands excuses but not the one standing behind it.


      Talk to companies dealing with seafarers of your age. Under +55y.o prediction filter, we listed shipmanagers that have been employing crew of the said age or older.

      ! Enter Prediction Directory -> I want to -> Find a Job +55 y.o

      Sadly but companies owning less attractive fleet in addition to lower than market salary are naturally wider opened for cooperation.

      Get a Job You Want
      Premium Access to Maritime & Offshore Directory Services


      Meet Ivan

      For over 10 years I have been able to Help Thousands of Seafarers to get a Better Job As I know Exactly where the Fishing Spots are.

      When you are as Enthusiastic about Maritime and Offshore Industry as I am, You know Who is Recruiting and How. Data that we Structured, to help You get Employed.

      Do-It-Yourself: Enter Prediction Directory -> Match Shipowners to Your Profile -> Call Them or their Crewing Agents -> Follow-Up Your CV and Get Employed.

      Contact Us
      Premium Access

      Human Factory OU
      REG: 14770925
      Tartu linn, Ruutli tn 22-2
      51006, Estonia

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