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0 points
6 years ago

great article, please add a section talking about Get only properties and how they compare to these?

0 points
5 years ago

there are another static readonly advantages: you cant declare a DateTime const, but you can declare a static readonly DateTime.
Besides, static readonly properties can be changed in static class constructors (on your assembly's boot up)

0 points
7 years ago

Hi Matthew, thanks for explanation. But i am still confused with definition of Static. it said "A static member (variable, method, etc) belongs to the type of an object rather than to an instance of that type.", I am confused about "type of an object " and " an instance of that type".

if i see your sample, its like a static member belongs to a class itself and not belongs to object.

Static Method MyMethod() is belongs to class MyClass

Not belongs to object myClassObj
var myClassObj = new MyClass(); // myClassObj is an object = instance of class MyClass
var result = myClassObj.MyMethod(); //Will not compile

Can you help me explain about "type of an object " and " an instance of that type"?

Thanks before.

Avery Musbach
0 points
7 years ago

A static readonly variable can be written to by a static constructor. That is an important difference between a const variable and a static readonly variable. For example, the static constructor could detect the operating system version and store it into a static readonly variable.

0 points
9 years ago

Also a static variable example.

class Worker {

public static int workersCount = 0;

public Worker() { workersCount ++; }

var worker1 = new Worker();
var worker2 = new Worker();
var worker3 = new Worker();

Console.WriteLine("There are " + Worker.workersCount + " workers.")

> There are 3 workers.

Pankaj Desai
0 points
7 years ago

how can you make use of Instance constructor to edit Static part in your above example? its wrong example provided by you.

Rajeev Dandu
0 points
7 years ago

Good explanation. Thanks!

0 points
9 years ago


Dnil Vincent
0 points
8 years ago

Roget is really happy now :D

Ammar The Trainer
0 points
7 years ago

Good explanation thanks.

0 points
6 years ago


Keith Ealanta
0 points
7 years ago

Generally a good explanation, but it seems less than helpful to describe static in terms of a function when the rest are being described in terms of data.
I'd highlight the mutable nature of a static (and the one-and-only-one aspect) by something like the following...

A static member(etc) belongs to a type not an instance of a class, and so if we declare a static thus...
class x{
private static int y = 0;
public void sety(int newy){y=newy}
public int gety(return y}

...then if we create two objects as follows, setting y on each, we get the following effect...
a=new x();
b=new x();
a.gety(); //returns 0
b.gety(); //returns 0
a.gety(); //returns 10
b.gety(); //returns 10

... this is because there is only one variable y for the class x, not one per instance of the class.
This is very useful for creatings singletons (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...) but is a trap in many other cases.
Note, that despite being static, it is still mutable.

0 points
6 years ago

Kind of old, but justt read it.
I've found another difference, that might help you to decide what to use (depending on your needs)
1 - You cannot use static readonly properties in a "switch" statement.
2 - You cannot see how many references a "const" have.

My 2 cents :)

Jun Sato
0 points
5 years ago

Awesome post, I'd add configuration stuff just to add to consideration though, since it's .Net specific talk. Most stuff people might do a const, it should also be considered for being an item in app.config, web.config. In the last paragraph you'd add: 5. "If you want the value to be configurable by administrators without re-compiling and deploying the code again, use config."

Amit Jadhav
0 points
6 years ago

Hi, I have below scenario for Static and Const, if Const is by default static then why output is different in below scenario:

Scenario 1:
Defined const as below:

   private const  int x = y + 100;  
    private const  int y = z - 10;  
    private const  int z = x;

Compiler gave error "The evaluation of the constant value for 'AccessModifiers.Program.x' involves a circular definition"

Scenario 2:

Defined static as below and no error this time

     private static int a =  100;  
     private static int b = c-10;  

private static int c = a;

Could you please help me find the answer.

0 points
6 years ago

um you might wanna slowly, carefully read your code

Moe Asaad
0 points
6 years ago

Great Explanation! sometime we forget the basics.. Thank you for a great refresher.

Sinan Altaii
0 points
5 years ago

Thank you so much!

Matthew Crandall
0 points
6 years ago

Redacted due to stupidity

Matthew Crandall
0 points
6 years ago

Redacted due to stupidity

Kaan Yurdakök
0 points
9 years ago

great post

Salatiel Bairros
0 points
6 years ago

Thank you!

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